Zukeran PTO Food Drive

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Ms. Michelle Dingle, who is currently a parent of twins, Lilly and Penny in 2nd grade at Zukeran, is working with Neighborhood Pantry - Camp Butler. The Pantry has been open since November, and the staff is working hard, pouring their hearts into keeping the shelves stocked. They also have high-ranking officials helping them ensure that the message of supporting military families in Okinawa is being heard. However, it has been challenging to keep the shelves stocked after the holiday season.

To help, Zukeran PTO is organizing a food drive from 2/28-3/21. The grade that collects the most donations will receive a Glow Party sponsored by Zukeran PTO. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to dingle.michelle.a@gmail.com. Please encourage your students to participate in the food drive to help support the community. Thank you!

Point of Contact

Ms. Michelle Dingle

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Wed, Feb 28 2024 - Thu, Mar 21 2024, All day
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